Hard to believe I messed up on this post that was created 3/31. I’m sure it was just waiting for a photo, while I started other writing projects – including shout-outs to my subscribers. My apologies. Here’s the post:
We’re on our way to the – International Workshop, “Community Medicine and its Impact on the Quality of Life in the Population” July 23-30, 2016 in Varadero, Cuba. Here’s the Conference Itinerary
Everyone is really delighted to welcome you, and preparing the most interesting Conference content possible.
As time goes by, they’ll add new lecturers by notable speakers in: Ethics, Maternal-Infantile Care, Rehab in Primary care, Stomachology, Neurodevelopment in early care, Women’s health, and more.
This Medical Conference is destined to be a game changer for an Evidence Based Education, through real-time interaction, as well as a personally enriching cultural experience for everyone.
A few weeks ago, we promised our subscribers a complete itinerary and pricing on this very special offer to visit Cuba. But more often than not, Cuba runs on Island time, so please bear with us as we wait a few more days for dollars and sense. Here’s the link to the 3/16 Newsletter: http://shoutout.wix.com/so/eLDZ9epv
Seems that everything is just a bit more complicated then you we would expect at home, and sometimes someone drops the ball, which is true in this case.
Our NEW travel provider is an established agency who’s been specializing in educational tours for many years. Great reviews and offices in the U.S. and Havana. What we needed was shoes on the ground in Havana to pull it together for us. We’re stronger and better than ever. Once we get prices, they will create a website just for CME-Abroad, where you can book your trip directly.
Imagine the heady excitement of possibilities in the hearts of the Cuban people today. Brings back last year’s meeting with a panel of representatives from the Cuban Ministry of Health last year. “Say that again. You want to bring doctors TO Cuba?” We had a very good interpreter, but I’d say he wanted a chance to read my face for truth or con. I made my case asking for his permission and support to proceed in officially establishing ACCME credits in Cuba. When my wrap-up unexpectedly included a few passionate tears, they concluded there was truth and good in it for both countries. Make sure you subscribe for updates and register. Thanks!